Team-Up Moves

Each “run” of the series is one to three episodes of an actual play, followed by a “back matter” episode to talk about character creation, how well the game accomplishes its goals, and recommendations for comic book issues and other media that the game recalls.
This submission is the climax from our run of Masks: A New Generation, by Brendan Conway. Teen hero The Pageknight (James Malloy) has come from a fantasy world to Earth through a magic book, looking for his princess friend, Ness. On his team are Gekko (Indi Tan), who has, well, gecko powers, and Braid (Stephanie Burt) whose body changes, often uncontrollably, into substances it comes into contact with.
The three have found Ness in the art school’s library, where she is using The Pageknight’s book to bring sea monsters and other illustrations to life, in revenge for learning that she’s a character from stories.